Taking Screenshots on Your Dell Laptop (Windows 7)

Ever see something cool on your screen and want to save it?  Screenshots are a great way to capture what you see on your Dell laptop with Windows 7.  This guide will show you two easy ways to take screenshots.


1st Method

Using the Print Screen Key

Look for the "Print Screen" key (often abbreviated as "Prt Scrn") on your keyboard. It might be near the function keys (F1-F12) at the top.


2nd Method

Capturing the Entire Screen

Press the "Print Screen" key once. This captures an image of your entire screen and copies it to your computer's memory.


3rd Method

Pasting the Screenshot

Open an image editing program like Paint. Most Windows 7 computers have Paint pre-installed.


4th Method

Finding the Paste Option

Look for the "Edit" menu at the top of the Paint window. Click on "Edit" to see a dropdown menu.


5th Method

Bringing Your Screenshot to Life.

Select "Paste" from the dropdown menu. Your screenshot will appear on the Paint canvas.


6th Method

Saving Your Screenshot.

Click on "File" in the top menu bar. Choose "Save" from the dropdown menu.


7th Method

Giving Your Screenshot a Name

In the "File name" box, type a name for your screenshot. Choose a name that helps you remember what it's of.


8th Method

Picking Your Picture Format

Click the dropdown menu next to "Save as type". Choose a file format like JPEG (.jpg) or PNG (.png).


9th Method

Saving Your Work.

Click "Save" to save your screenshot as a picture file on your Dell laptop.


Friends, Now you know how to take screenshots on your Dell laptop with Windows 7.